The Real "Avant Garde"

The Real "Avant Garde"
Polish Hussars

jeudi 15 avril 2010

Liberals and the Life Issue

What amazes me the most is not the denial of the life of an embryo by those of a liberal persuasion, but rather their inconsistency when it comes to life at other stages.

Those same folks who scream and shout for a woman's "right" to kill her unborn infant are also the most vocal in demanding individual rights for those same people who have been "allowed" to live, often at the expense of the common good.

Then there's the whole "right to die/die with dignity" movement.

Cheapness of life at beginning and end, but absurdly stretched personal rights in between at the expense of the rest of society?

We are witnessing the absurdness of the cult of the individual.


Yet more changes...

Hi folks.

Here is a matter upon which I have been thinking for some time.

I have noticed, recently, that certain sisters have begun to abbreviate their religious titles as "S.", as opposed to the usual "Sr.". "Why the change?", you might ask.

We can just file this away as yet another small, but particularly obnoxious change in the ongoing Revolution within the Church.


lundi 5 avril 2010

This just in...

Good evening, ladies and gents!

Yes, I have taken the steps (lasting ten seconds) to create my very own blog, and probably among the last of my generation to do so.

The title, "Quid faciendum", is a Latin interrogative meaning, "What should be done?" This is a very general question, to say the least, though I wish it to be a forum open enough for a variety of subjects.

More later.

Happy Easter to one and all!